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In order to effectively address transport issues and to gradually reduce the negative effects of transport, a "Master Plan for Road Transport" has been elaborated. The subject of the study is the analysis of transport in Prague 9, the assessment of future infrastructure needs and the processing of a so-called "Integrated Transport Management System" within this district.

The district of Prague 9 cannot solve the problems of transport alone, since a high share of the road network is managed by the city of Prague and subordinated bodies. However, with the "Master Plan" Prague 9 took the initiative to negotiate with all responsible authorities, preparing joint action towards the operation of local infrastructure networks at a 21st century level.

Pilot action final report (PDF - 0,9 MB)
Pilot brochure EN (PDF - 13,4 MB)
Regional work paper (PDF - 2,9 MB)

Master Plan for Road Transport - English summary (PDF - 1,8 MB)
Master Plan for Road Transport - Czech summary (PDF - 2 MB)

Analysis of traffic patterns and challenges

In the Prague 9 district significant growth is expected. The planned development of housing, commercial, administrative and business activities will strongly influence the demand for the transport capacity of transport networks.

The conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport need to be improved. The high-level road network is planned to be extended, but implementation of measures is delayed.

General information on the project (PDF - 1,6 MB)
Input data and core files (PDF - 10 MB)
Analysis of transport acessibility (PDF - 49 MB)

Assessment of future infrastructure needs

To improve the quality of public transport the removal of bottlenecks in the communication network is required, in particular at crossroads. Pedestrian crossings need to be improved, and a coherent network of cycling routes might improve the accessibility of residential areas and support this mode of transport.

Based on the modelling of traffic flows, solutions for stationary traffic have been developed, including proposals for the location of Park & Ride facilities.

Evaluation of future infrastructure needs (PDF - 16 MB)

Integrated Transport Management System

Considering the principles of sustainable mobility, a concept of measures and priorities of implementation has been elaborated. It allows to prepare and to implement an action plan for traffic engineering and traffic-organisational measures to reduce the negative impacts of transport in the district of Prague 9, focusing on pedestrians, cyclists, stationary traffic and the availability and quality of public transport.

Feasibility study - Integrated Transport Management System (PDF - 3,9 MB)


Final publication

City-Regional Partnerships in Central Europe

Leaflets & newsletter

Project leaflet

Pilot leaflet

Transnational newsletter

No. 1  No. 2

This project has been implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.